Elizabeth II in Film
Queen Elizabeth is undoubtedly the most famous monarch alive today.
Just like Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria, two of the longest-reigning and culturally most successful female sovereigns in British history, Elizabeth II was an unlikely heir to the throne.
The 91-year-old Queen and the British Royal Family may be more popular than ever thanks essentially to the dramatic arts. We particularly recommend Netflix\’ superb historical drama series The Crown and Stephen Frears\’ equally superb 2006 fictional drama film The Queen.
Also high on the list of recommendations is Channel 4\’s documentary The Royal House of Windsor (available on Netflix).
Then there is The Windsors (aired on Channel 4 and currently also available on Netflix), a comedy soap opera re-imagining the lives of the British Royal Family. And if you are a Lady Diana fan, you can take your pick from a plethora of documentaries and films featuring the \”queen of people\’s hearts\”.
In order to survive throughout the 20th century, the British Royal Family had to rebrand and reinvent itself several times over; it seems that they are now being reimagined for the screen and for our entertainment.
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