Vocabulary lesson – Trump Tower

無料体験レッスン   アクセス   06-4397-0170

マイケルズイングリッシュスクール英会話 大阪天王寺 毎週の単語レッスン

A Look Inside Trump Tower

trump tower


  • 無視できないあの高層ビル

Walking up Fifth Avenue toward Central Park, you will pass a great tower of black glass looming almost 60 stories above the street like the sinister home of some black-hearted fairy tale villain. It\’s an eyesore that most New Yorkers would prefer just to ignore. However,  with  officers in combat gear, journalists and a steady stream of curious tourists, it is impossible to do so.

This is 725 Fifth Avenue, home to the reality TV star president-elect, Donald Trump. It is centre of operations during this \”unpresidented\” presidential transition. In these past few weeks the scene of a parade of political appointees who could strike dread into any beating heart.

Despite the seemingly impenetrable wall of security, it is still relatively easy to enter the building.

This is because of the building\’s height. According to city regulations, the tower should never have been this tall. Nonetheless, when he was building this temple to gaudy \’80s tastelessness, Trump unsurprisingly cut a deal with the city authorities.

In return for the extra stories, he would allow some areas of the lobby and the terraces to be open to the public. This is why, despite the seeming impenetrability, it is still relatively easy to enter the building.

  • お土産品にはトランプ香水も

Inside, you can pop into the Starbucks or you can go to The Trump Store, where you can buy Trump ties, Trump money clips, and Trump scents called Empire and Success (which apparently \”captures the scent of the driven man\”).

For those with a little more cash to burn, you can visit Trump Bar or Trump Grill. There you can shell out $18 (¥2,100) for a taco bowl – yes, the dish that Trump, who has campaigned on deporting immigrants and building a wall, photographed himself eating on Cinco de Mayo with the subtitle, \”I love Hispanics!\”

That might actually be one of the better items on the menu, according to a recent Vanity Fair review. The review was a hilariously devastating account of a meal there.

Trump, the champion of the working class, and his family live in the building\’s $100 million (¥11.7 billion) three-story penthouse. It is a skin-crawling tribute to Versailles and Louis XIV, decorated in gold, hung with crystal chandeliers and filled with cherubs frolicking around its many rooms.

Reached by gold-plated elevator and through a gold and diamond front door, it boasts breathtaking views of the city.

Author Fran Lebowitz recently said (a little snootily), \”He\’s a poor person\’s idea of a rich person.\”

The assumption is that Trump will move to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – The White House – on Inauguration Day. However, there seems to be some doubt as to how much time he would spend there.

As far as New Yorkers are concerned, they might want him gone – not least because he is costing taxpayers here around half a million dollars each day for security.

トランプタワー 単語

looming – そびえ立つ・stories – 階・sinister – 不吉な・black-hearted – 腹黒い・villain – 悪役・eyesore – 目障りな物・a … of – 〜絶え間なくー定数いる〜・president-elect – 次期大統領・unpresidented – unprecedented (前代末聞) とpresidentが混ざった造語 (トランプ氏のツイートにあったつづりミス)・appointees – 任命された人・strike … heart – どんな人でも怒らさせる・impenetrable – 通れない・relatively – 比較的・gaudy – 派手な・tastelessness – 下品さ・cut … with – 〜と取引した・scents – 香水・apparently – 〜らしい・driven – やる気のある・shell out – 〜を支払う・dish – 一品・deporting – 〜を国外追放する・Cinco de Mayo – 5月5日、メキシコの祝日・hilariously – 滑稽なほど・devastating – 辛辣な・account – 記述・skin-crawling – 虫酸の走る・Versailles – ベルサイユ宮殿・cherubs – 天使・frolicking – 飛び跳ねる・snootily – 傲慢にも・assumption – 仮定・Inauguration Day – 大統領就任の日・






レッスンの初めはいつも年齢やレベルに関係なく、How are you? や How was school? や How was your day? や How is the weather today? などの挨拶から始まります。 特に子供たちのレッスンでは、「今日は何日ですか?」と「今日は何曜日ですか?」の練習もします。 少し難しいようで答えに迷う生徒さん達もいるので今回は「今日は何日ですか?」と「今日は何曜日ですか?」の練習をします♪
